We source all our grains locally from Colorado and the Midwest. As with coffee, we want to establish relationships with our purveyors and focus on ingredients as well as passion. All of the farms we work with are certified organic or stand by the practices of certified organic, as becoming certified organic with grains is an arduous, extended process.
We mill every grain in-house except for our All Purpose Sir Galahad Flour and our Gluten Free Multipurpose Flour. We rotate through grains to complement flavors in recipes, so we encourage you to explore what we are most excited about at the moment!
This is a winter varietal, containing a lower gluten content than wheat, with a more acidic in flavor.
Winter varietals translate to planting in the fall, growing dormant during the cold months, and finish their growth in the spring to be harvested around June/July.
An ancient grain that dates back more than 9000 years ago — lighter and toastier in flavor.
Believed to have been brought over from Russia (what is now Ukraine) by Mennonites in the 1870s who grew tired of the hostile Russian military policies, and came to Kansas for more fertile lands! This varietal was wildly popular back in the day, but unfortunately has become less commonly used today —great gluten structure and flavor!
Sonora is one of the oldest surviving wheat varieties anywhere in North America. Predating Red Fife and Turkey Red wheat, it is a soft white, round winter wheat with pale red grains. While earliest records document its existence in the mountain plains of Sonora, Mexico in the early 1700s, the wheat surely predates that era by generations. It was widely planted in California by the early 1800s.
A hybrid of hard red wheats which eliminate the genes for bran color, while keeping everything else.
Tritacle is the first man-made cereal grain crop species designed to merge the positive attributes of wheat and rye into a single plant. It possesses wheat’s functional characteristics for food production and rye’s adaptability to non-optimal growing environments. Due to high lysine content, it offers a better amino acid balance resulting in a greater biological value than wheat protein.
Einkorn was one of the world’s first domesticated species, likely making the transition from wild to domestic somewhere around 10,000 years ago which makes this an Ancient Grain! It was domesticated near Karacadağ — a volcano near the Turkey-Syrian border where wild einkorn still grows today.
Fun Fact: Einkorn was found in the stomach of a 5,300-year-old frozen hunter in the Italian Alps- proof that Einkorn has been part of people’s diets for at least that long.
This is Canada's oldest wheat varietal! One legend states that a load of wheat grown in Ukraine was on a ship in the Glasgow harbor. A friend of Farmer Fife dropped his hat into the red-colored wheat, collecting a few seeds in the hatband, which he then shipped off to Farmer Fife.
The wheat grew on their land until the family cow managed to eat all the wheat heads except for one- which Mrs. Fife salvaged. This was the beginning of Red Fife wheat in Canada.
Despite what the name may indicate, buckwheat groats are not related to wheat, and by extension are technically gluten-free! Ours, however, is not as we mill it in-house so there is cross-contamination. Buckwheat Groats are more closely related to rhubarb than wheat and are heavy in nutrition, high in minerals, and high in antioxidants. Groats are the hulled seeds of the buckwheat plant.
Millet is a cereal grain that belongs to the grass family and is most commonly cultivated in Asia and Africa. While the plant is gluten-free, because of our shared equipment, it is not gluten-free. Millet is very high in nutritional value as well — high in protein, fiber, and antioxidants.
Emmer is an ancient wheat also named Farro. It's native to the Middle East dating back to the neolithic times — 10,200–9500 BC. It is high in protein and very high in gluten.
Kamut is the trademark name for the Khorasan strain of wheat, also called “King Tut’s Wheat.” It is an ancient grain discovered in an ancient Egyptian burial chamber after World War II. The grains ended up in the hands of a Montana wheat farmer who cultivated them. Kamut could have been the grain that started Sourdough!
What is an Ancient Grain?
An ancient grain is a grain that has been grown the same way for hundreds of years like Einkorn, Emmer, Kamut, and Spelt. We mill these grains at The Fox and the Raven Bakery! Other ancient grains include quinoa, amaranth, sorghum, teff, and millet.
Ancient grains are more nutritious than refined grain products and thrive with lower levels of pesticides, fertilizers, and irrigation. This makes them a great choice for a creating a small carbon footprint and a healthy Earth.
What is an Heirloom Grain?
Heirloom grains are in between an ancient grain and a modern grain, but more closely related to ancient. This means that they have been grown the same way for hundreds of years, specifically before the agricultural revolution of plant breeding in the early to mid-1900s. They are more adaptable, resilient, and reliable than modern varieties as they have larger root systems and their growing patterns can help them adapt to climate change.
What Farms Do We Have Relationships With?
Some farms we work with are:
- Colorado Malting Company - Alamosa, Colorado
- Grains from the Plains - Lincoln County, Colorado (Between Limon and Hugo)
- Rocky Draw Farm - Dolores, Colorado
- Belle Valley - Butte County, South Dakota
As we continue to build more relationships, we add to this list.
Colorado Grain Chain
We are a part of the Colorado Grain Chain!
The Colorado Grain Chain is a community of locally owned businesses and consumers dedicated to producing and supporting heritage, ancient, and locally adapted grain products. Their mission is to cultivate a vibrant, community-centered grain economy in Colorado, emphasizing collaboration from seed to end users.
This local grain movement addresses the lack of locally grown heritage grains and infrastructure, promoting more flavorful and nutritious options while supporting small-scale farmers and sustainable agricultural practices. They’re on a mission to relocalize the grain economy and return to pre-industrial varieties for the benefit of health, the environment, and the community.
Visit their website